Monday, 28 September 2009

Me! All about me!

Kate has been working very hard the last few months - a serious nose-grindstone situation. Which explains why it's fallen primarily on me to update this wee corner of the internet.

In keeping with the current state of things, I present you a completely self-absorbed post. First up, the link for the Nokia commercial I was in.

For those of you who haven't heard the story, I fell in with a very nice Finnish director who thought I had the right "look" for a commercial he was directing. See above. We got on like a house on fire, and proceeded to hatch a diabolical scheme involving him shooting a documentary following my travels across the U.S.A. en route to the Beard and Moustache and Championships in Anchorage. It didn't pan out for a number of reasons involving work, broken elbows, and global financial crises - which is a real shame because that would have been awesome. Way better than some Freddie Mercury look-a-like at the planetarium.

And here are some pictures of me and my new glasses...

The ball on the stick in the background is what I like to call local flava.

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Pupster Down!

Hi blog friends!

A brief, but sad update.

Maggie, the Stear family "hound" for the last 14 years, took a one-way trip to the big doghoue in the sky last week.

Here are some pictures of her in happier times.

(that first picture has the added bonus of being one of the first digital photos I ever collected)

She copped a lot of flack for being, in essence, a fluffy white football who yapped a lot. Which is fair. But I'm still going to miss that little pooch.