Tuesday 29 January 2008

Maybe these guys aren't so bad...


In America these guys are called yellowjackets. They swarm around your picnic, sting you , and are a general nuisance. Australians refer to them as "Europeans Wasps" and tend to become a little panicky when one is around. Not quite high-pitched squeal, but getting there. Which is surprising, because there are way more poisonous critters in Australia than there are in the States.

At any rate, everyone can agree that this wasp is nothing compared to the absolutely terrifying insects described on this page...

Scary Bugs!


Alex said...

Hmmm, I disagree with the ranking there. The guy with the bot fly was cracking jokes. The guy with the ants in the glove was writhing in pain.

And Yellow Jackets are no joke. They are the most aggressive of the north american wasps I would say, and they hurt like a bitch. Once I got stung by putting my finger behind my couch where there was a dead one and I was in pain for like 6 hours. Like constant couldn't sleep, nearly went to the hospital pain.

Unknown said...

To be clear: I agree that getting stung by a yellowjacket is no frackin' joke. And they can be super mean. And very resilient, as seen by the fact that this monster guy in dresden was still twitching 12 hours after i smooshed him and chopped his head off.

But I do find that on a whole, Australians exhibit a slight over-reaction when confronted with these guys. Which is a little odd considering how many seriously poisonous spiders/snakes/scorpions etc. live down there.

Unknown said...

do you mind?

it's not cool that the little buggers can fly into beer bottles/cans and then be swallowed and totally do a number on your throat- snakes generally leave you alone